Astral projection issues

How to do it  –  Astral world  –  Astral beings  –  Astral projection techniques  –  Astral projection issues


This chapter offers solutions to some common projection-related
problems. It also offers rope technique modifications and
alternative projection techniques that may suit some people better.
I also find it helps new projectors if they try several different
projection techniques during each projection attempt.

This not only
provides a much-needed variety of exercise for awareness hands
actions, but helps prevent boredom. Using the same projection
technique for long periods of time can become a trifle monotonous
and may cause some projectors to lose interest or fall asleep. Also,
the relaxation, trance, and energy work exercises can be done
separately from an actual projection attempt.

Go through the full sequence right up to the projection technique,
then get up and take a short break to relax or refresh yourself.
During this break, try to hold on to as much of the deeply relaxed
physical and mental state as you can. Return to your bed or chair
and spend a few minutes resettling and re-relaxing yourself, both
physically and mentally. Once you are settled and ready, use the
quick or instant projection method.

If climbing the rope has a strong effect on you, the rope technique
can be used on its own as a viable alternative to other
trance-induction techniques.

This can speed up the preparatory work
required for a projection attempt.

obe meditation variants and tips

Variations on the Rope Technique

One-Handed Rope: If one awareness hand does not appear to obey or
feels weak or uncontrollable, the rope technique can be done with
one hand only, using the hand that is most responsive. If you can
manage it, have the weaker hand just hold on to the rope (as if the
rope were slipping through the grip of the weaker hand), while the
stronger hand does the real climbing. Feel the strong hand reaching
out and pulling the rope toward your chest, then reaching out and
pulling again, in a continual one-handed climbing action. Try
reaching out much farther than your physical arms could.
that your awareness arms are made of rubber and feel they are
stretching way out as you climb up the rope.


Chasm-Crossing Rope: Instead of a rope hanging down from above,
imagine a strong, taut rope running across the ceiling of your room,
in line with your body and just above it, within easy reach of your
hands. This rope is firmly attached to strong brackets mounted on
two opposing walls of your room. Feel your hands reaching out and
feel yourself climbing along this rope, dragging yourself across the
room toward the wall behind your head and out of your body. If you
have a wall behind your bed and this puts you off, either change
ends in the bed during projection attempts or imagine you are
climbing through the wall.

Hanging Rope: Another way to get around weak or uncontrollable
awareness hand actions is to reach out and feel they are hanging on
to a strong rope coming from above. Don’t try to climb this rope;
just feel yourself hanging on to it. When you get used to this,
imagine you are being slowly winched upward by a helicopter,
dragging you up and out of your body. Feel yourself being lifted and
sliding out of your body, moving higher and higher. Feel yourself
slowly leaving your body behind you. Feel your spatial coordinates
in the room changing as you rise up and out of your physical body
and through the ceiling.

obe exit tps

Water Ski Rope: Instead of a rope hanging from the ceiling, imagine
you are holding the handle of a ski rope attached to a powerful
speedboat in front of you. Feel yourself hanging on tightly to the
handle of the ski rope, as if you were floating on your back, ready
for a deep-water start. Adjust the angle of the ski rope to whatever
feels most natural. Imagine you can hear the engine revving up, the
excitement building, then suddenly the boat takes off and drags you
out of your body in a flurry of astral spray.

Rope Cargo Net: Imagine that you have a large rope cargo net hanging
down in front of you, similar to the heavy rope netting used on
military assault courses that is hung from poles to make a short,
high rope fence that trainees have to climb. If sitting, imagine
this heavy rope netting hanging in front of you within easy hands’
reach. If lying down, imagine the net hanging from above you.

the rope netting in the same manner as described for the normal rope
technique. With this method, it does not matter where your hands go,
as they will always find a piece of rope to grab. Scramble up this
net any which way you can, using hands and arms and legs and feet in
any way that works to propel you upward and out of your body.
technique solves many awareness hands control problems, where they
appear to have a mind of their own and flop and slide all over the

Alternative Exercises and Techniques

astral travel obe

Washing Hands Exercise: Hold both awareness hands out in front and
perform a washing action, as if washing your real hands and forearms
with soap and water. Vary the speed of the washing action from slow
to rapid and keep it at arm’s length from your body.

Steam Engine Exercise: Hold both awareness arms out in front of you.
Imagine a circle whose diameter is the distance between your chest
and hands. Circle your awareness hands around each other, following
the outside diameter of this circle (something like the hand and arm
actions if you were playing at being a steam engine).

After a short time, the action will settle into a rhythm. Now, here
comes the difficult part: after doing it for twenty seconds or more,
stop and reverse the action. The awareness action momentum will
force this circling to continue in its original direction, making it
difficult to stop or change it. If you concentrate, you will find
this can be achieved with effort. Don’t worry if you fail to do this
the first few times you try.

Keep at it and you’ll succeed. The
difficulty of this exercise shows its training value. If you
practice this regularly you will quickly gain better control and
strength with all awareness hand and arm actions. This benefits all
stimulation and energy-raising actions, including those used with
projection techniques. This exercise can also trigger the projection
reflex on its own.

Look on this as a muscle-building workout for
your awareness arms and hands.


Big Wheel Method: An extension of the above method is to imagine
yourself holding a large bicycle wheel upright in front of you. This
wheel should fill the room, with its center hanging in space in the
middle of the room between your physical body and the farthest point
of the wheel from it.


Prepare for projection.

Feel a single point of awareness moving out
from your body, from your head area, and flying upward and away from
you. Push this point of awareness up and over the top part of the
circumference of the big wheel, moving it all the way over and down
and around and back to your body. Feel this point of awareness
moving up through your body, through your base center and up through
all other primary energy centers until it moves out through your
head. Feel this point of awareness as being heavy and solid. Move
your point of awareness around and around this big wheel until you
build up a steady rhythm.

As with all bounce-type actions, vary this speed until you find the
most natural speed for it. Feel the heavy point of awareness tearing
upward through your body each time. You will notice as it passes
through your body that this action slows, then speeds up again as it
moves away from you each time. This momentary drag is caused by the
awareness resistance factor that is encountered with any awareness
bounce action through the body. It shows that this action is
stimulating your etheric body as it passes through it.

This method is quite powerful and will easily trigger the projection
reflex if you can hold it reasonably steady for long enough. It does
not matter if your point of awareness wavers or wiggles a bit from
side to side as it circles the big wheel, as long as you keep it
roughly under control and circling.

Keeping it steady can take a bit
of effort, but as with the above steam engine exercise, it is also
invaluable for training the will to control exterior body-awareness


Ladder Method: A good alternative to using a rope is to imagine a
strong ladder hanging from the ceiling. The lowest rung of this
ladder should be within easy reach of your hands, or whatever feels
most natural. Climb this ladder hand over hand, feeling yourself
moving up the ladder toward the ceiling. Feel the room changing
around you and your spatial coordinates changing as you climb. Feel
yourself moving higher and higher up the endless ladder. If you
imagine yourself reaching the ceiling, feel yourself climbing
through it and beyond as if the ladder were infinite in length.


Point Shift Method: Point shift is the most direct and powerful
projection technique of all, although it can be somewhat difficult
to learn. It requires a great deal of concentrated mental effort, in
that projectors must hold their whole-of-body awareness image
exterior from their physical body for some time in order to trigger
the projection reflex. This is the technique I first learned and
used for most of my early conscious-exit projections. Its difficulty
accounted for many of the projection-related problems I had at that
time. Despite this, it is extremely effective when mastered. It is
well worth the effort of learning it; some people will find they’ll
take to it like a duck to water.

I currently use a combination of rope and point shift for most of my

I start by using point shift, then when I am partly
out, I include rope. I generally switch back and forth between these
techniques many times during an exit. I find alternating techniques
like this makes the exit easier and quicker. If I am projecting from
a bed, I also use the rolling-out method (described later) to finish
off the exit.

First prepare yourself for a projection attempt in the usual way: Go
through the relaxation, trance-induction, and energy-stimulation
techniques, as per the full-, quick-, or instant-projection
sequences – whatever is required.

Feel and become aware of your whole body. Feel your body’s spatial
coordinates in relation to the room around you. Run your mind over
where the doors, walls, windows, and furniture are in your room.
Build a spatial map of this with your imagination, in your mind’s
eye, in your perception of yourself and the room around you.

Using imagination powered by whole-body awareness, feel yourself
rising or stepping out of your body, then floating or standing just
out of arm’s reach from your physical body.

If you are lying in bed, feel yourself as floating at arm’s reach
above your physical body, staying in line with it and facing the
ceiling. If you are using a chair, feel yourself as standing three
feet (one meter) away from your physical body. Imagine, feel, and
perceive as strongly as you can what it would feel like to actually
be out there in front of your physical body.

Hold your whole-body awareness firmly centered in your imagined
exterior body in its new location. Do not try to see or feel your
double as being above or in front of you; feel yourself as being
above or in front of your physical body, from your projected
double’s perspective. This is tricky but will get easier with
practice. Concentrate on sensing the changed spatial coordinates of
the room around you from this new perspective.

Feel and be aware of
your physical body waiting behind or beneath you. Imagine and feel
your projected double as already having separated from your physical
body. Concentrate on holding your point of whole-body awareness
inside your imagined projected double in its new location.

Feel the pressure of your physical body trying to pull you back into
it. Feel yourself fighting this pressure. Concentrate and use your
strength of will to force your projected double to strain and fight
against this pressure. Fill your mind with the single-minded,
determined intention to project free of your physical body. Use
maximum willpower, but do not allow your physical body to tense or
respond in any way.

If you are projecting from a bed, mentally grit your teeth (without
tensing) and feel yourself slowly but forcefully rising away from
your physical body. Force yourself to rise an inch at a time. Roll
your projected double’s shoulders one after the other and try to
shoulder yourself higher and farther away from your physical body a
bit at a time. Try to feel yourself rolling away toward the center
of the room if that helps.

If projecting from a chair, mentally grit your teeth (without
tensing) and take one small but forceful step at a time away from
your physical body. Step away an inch at a time, struggling against
the force binding you to it. Feel this force steadily weakening in
response to your efforts! Feel your imagined projected double’s
shoulders hunching and heaving and your head straining forward as
you slowly but steadily tear through the force binding you to your
physical body.

Hold the above actions strongly enough and they will trigger the
projection reflex very quickly. Do not allow your physical body to
tense up while doing any of the above – this is the real trick to
point shift.

These are all imaginative body-awareness actions.

astral meditation


Steam Method: Prepare for a projection attempt as normal. When you
are ready, become aware of your whole body and of where it is in
relation to the room around you, as in the above point shift
technique. Imagine yourself becoming lighter and lighter, as if your
body were turning into steam. Steam expands and rises. Feel yourself
becoming bigger and lighter and, slowly but gently, rising up and
out of your physical body.

Feel your perception of the room changing
as you rise higher. Stay aware of where your physical body is
beneath you as you float free. Feel your whole-of-body awareness
centered firmly inside your steam body and feel this as being just
above your physical body and slowly floating free of it. Do not hold
your steam body rigid. Encourage it to gently bob and sway about
wherever it wants. This slight floating movement makes the steam
method easier.


Rolling-Out Method: Rolling out of body is a popular and reasonably
effective projection technique. It makes use of a natural
whole-of-body awareness movement – that of rolling over or out of
bed – something you have done thousands of times. This method is
especially useful if a spontaneous projection has already started,
or if you find yourself partially stuck to your body during an exit

When used as a main projection technique however, it leaves
a lot to be desired, as it can be difficult to cause a projection
with this method from scratch. I consider this method best suited to
assisting with difficult projections or for finishing off

Feel yourself rolling to the side, as if you were rolling over and
out of bed. Repeat this action as many times as necessary. Get a
whole-of-body awareness feeling into the body roll as if you were
really doing it. Do not allow your physical body to tense or respond
to this action in any way.

Alternatively, if using a chair, feel the rolling action as if you
were curling up and rolling out of your chair. Feel your perspective
of the room changing around you as you roll. This technique is
definitely worth a shot as a main projection technique if other
methods have failed you.

I find the rolling-out action also helps
during difficult projections, say if I find myself glued to a part
of my body, as occasionally happens if I have not prepared myself


Rocket Method: Prepare for a projection attempt. When you are ready,
imagine you are lying flat on the tip of a very large rocket. The
bulk of the huge rocket is hidden deep inside a subterranean tube
beneath you. Your bed or chair is firmly attached to the tip of this
rocket and enclosed by an impenetrable glass nose cone. The ceiling
and walls slowly fall away, disappearing all around you to reveal
the stars.

Feel the rocket rumble and tremble beneath you as its
enormous engines fire and it slowly lifts off, taking you with it.
Feel and imagine yourself slowly rising toward the stars with the
great engines thundering beneath you. Feel the rocket’s vibrations
coursing through you and feel yourself rising out of your body and
room and toward the stars. Stay aware of your physical body
remaining where it is as you rise.

Feel these vibrations increasing
and spreading and coursing through your whole body, as the rocket
blasts off and roars into the star-filled night.


Boomerang Method: This technique uses a one-pointed bounce action
from the brow center. It neatly overcomes the difficulties
encountered when holding a point of body awareness exterior to the
physical body, by using an awareness bounce action. This causes you
to feel and see a brief flash of a new spatial location in your
mind’s eye at the end of each outward bounce action. This tricks
your mind into accepting a momentary shift of a point of awareness
to an exterior location.

First, pick a target on the ceiling above your bed, or high on the
wall opposite you if using a chair.

This can be a light fixture or
picture (anything) or you can affix a small paper target there
instead. Stand on your bed, or stand on a chair (be careful not to
fall!) and get the feel of what it’s like to be right up close to
this target. Lock the image of this target in your mind’s eye. Get
the feel of how the furniture, windows, doors, and bed all look and
feel like from there while you are facing the target. Memorize what
it feels like to be at the target area.

Lie down or sit and prepare yourself for a projection attempt. Spend
a little extra time stimulating your brow center, using the extra
brow center stimulation method given earlier (see

chapter 14
). Hold
your point of awareness firmly in your brow center, in your mind’s
eye. Bounce your point of awareness away and feel it touch the
target, then rebound it back to your brow center in your physical
body. Try to see this happening in your imagination, in your mind’s

As you bounce outward and your point of awareness touches the
target, for that single moment, briefly become aware of being at
that location, as if your face were right up next to and facing the
target. Feel this with your awareness and see it in your
imagination, in your mind’s eye. The details of this action do not
have to be precise: A vague blurring feeling, the room changing and
feeling yourself bouncing off the target, being there, with this
perspective being momentarily highlighted in your mind’s eye, is all
that is required.

As you rebound your point of awareness back to your physical body,
feel your perception of the room suddenly change back to your brow
center. Briefly try to see in your mind’s eye your target across the
room, as from the perspective of your physical body, from within
your brow center and mind’s eye.

Once under way, this action causes a blurring in the mind’s eye,
with the target being seen and felt briefly from two different
perspectives, from the physical body’s brow and then from up close
to the target, alternately. It is not necessary to keep close track
of what happens between these points in the mind’s eye. Feeling this
change in your awareness and seeing it in your mind’s eye is enough.
Each bounce, in or out, should take about one second each way, but
this speed should be varied to suit what feels natural to you.

Repeat this process, continually bouncing back and forth between
your brow center and your target, until the projection reflex is
triggered. If you feel close to projection during this but it does
not actually happen, change to another technique like rope or
rolling out, to finish the exit.


Driving Method: If you have ever been on a long drive, or spent a
long time on a computer driving game, you may have noticed that
later a shadowy but animated image of your long drive will be
impressed into your mind’s eye. This imagery will be much clearer if
you are overtired as well.
When you close your eyes and relax, the
view you had, of that long road, and the scenery on either side
unwinding toward you, continues to play in your mind’s eye for some
time. This often lasts for an hour or more if you have spent several
hours driving. This effect can be used to trigger the projection


All you have to do is relax and let this scenario play itself in
your mind’s eye while you deeply relax and allow your sense of body
awareness to move along the road toward the horizon. Use the scenery
to hold your mind clear of thoughts, aided by breath awareness if
necessary. See the road and trees and buildings moving toward you
and feel yourself moving toward them as the scene unwinds.

In the
back of your mind, feel your physical body being left behind as you
drive toward the horizon and away from your body. If you can feel
this forward awareness movement strongly enough, it can trigger the
projection reflex fairly quickly.


Two-Person Remote-Eye Projection Method: It is possible for a type
of projection to occur while the physical body and mind are still
partially awake (see chapter 5). To re-create a remote-eye
projection under controlled circumstances requires some preparation
and dedication. You must allow yourself to become extremely
overtired, by missing a night’s sleep, or by staying up very late
until the wee hours of the morning, then waking your controller for
the projection attempt


What is needed is not a normal level of
tiredness, but a deeply relaxed state, both mental and physical,
caused by overtiredness, the kind of tiredness that can make you
literally fall asleep on your feet. Coffee and other stimulants
should be avoided during the preparations for this experiment.

When you are tired enough, lie or sit down in a comfortable
position. You must not be disturbed by anything other than your

For that reason, this experiment is best done fairly
late at night – with the telephone off the hook. The other person,
the controller, must talk to you and keep you just awake, but they
must not overdo this or break your delicate mental state.

The controller must also monitor you for REM (rapid eye movement)
activity. The REM state is an important sign, because it indicates
that you are entering the dream state while still awake. The REM
state is easily detected by a continual flickering motion disturbing
the eyelids. You must be gently kept awake and reasonably coherent
throughout the entire experiment. The controller should gently wake
you if you fall asleep, by talking to you and rubbing your arm, or
even by lightly shaking you awake.

You can aid this process by deliberately stimulating your brow
center before and during this process.

This same thing also happens
if you force your tired eyes to stay open for part of the time, but
your eyes must also be allowed to regularly close. If everything
goes to plan, you should soon begin seeing things behind your closed
eyes: patterns of light, colors, images, pictures, and scenarios.
These will be hypnagogic images, lucid dreams, or clairvoyant
visions, or a mixture of these. You must try to describe everything
you see so that the controller knows what is happening.

At some point, a part of you will project out of your body, and you
will be able to give a running commentary of a projection as it
happens. The mind-split will occur at the moment of separation, and
your mental coherence will tend to weaken from this point. The
controller must work on keeping you just awake and coherent enough
to talk, but not so awake that your delicate relaxed state is

Perspective will often flicker back and forth between your projected
and physical bodies, and even the dream state may become involved
here. The heavy trance state (caused by deep overtiredness, brow
center stimulation, and the partially awake state being forcibly
held) can enable you to maintain a fairly stable visual connection
with your remotely projected double.

Once you manage to connect with
your projected double, you will become aware of seeing through your
double’s eyes, but will not be aware of actually feeling yourself at
that remote location, unless your physical body and mind are allowed
to fall too deeply asleep. I suggest a tape recorder be used and
turned on as soon as you begin seeing hypnagogic imagery.

One of the best times to attempt a remote-eye projection is after a
lengthy period of lovemaking, when a couple finds them selves deeply
relaxed, maybe even exhausted, but still awake enough to be talking
together in the early hours of the morning, when everything is quiet
and there are no distractions. This is when spontaneous remote-eye
projection is most likely to be experienced. If both partners lie
talking in the near dark, with their eyes gently opening and
closing, they can keep each other awake and both try for a
remote-eye projection.

The first one to succeed should become the
subject, and the other the controller.

Helping Other Projectors Out
While I have heard many rumors to the contrary, I do not believe it
is possible to directly assist another person out of body. I have
tried many times and it does not seem to be feasible. In my opinion,
if this is remembered at all by the subject, it will be
sense-interpreted as a direct psychic attack, which is extremely

It is possible, however, to awaken sleeping real-time projectors
while they are out of body. When natural sleep projection occurs,
the real-time body drifts out of its physical body and hovers just
above it, often mimicking its sleeping position. The real-time
projectors in this state are asleep, just as their physical bodies
and minds are. A helpful conscious projector can then try to help by
gently waking the person from real-time-zone sleep. Sleepers who can
be made to focus and realize they are projecting could then interact
with or become a travel partner for the conscious projector.

Whether awakened projectors remember their experience or not after
the event will remain to be seen. All the factors that make
projection difficult to remember are still there, and still need to
be overcome by awakened projectors. Without the skills necessary to
project under their own steam, remembering ax^ experience like this
will be a difficult proposition at best.

The best chance for success would be if the awakening comes before
the sleeping projector has fallen into a deep sleep. The original
projector can then instruct the other on how to maximize chances of
remembering that projection. But this is still a very hit-and-miss
thing. I have tried this many times with sleeping real-time
projectors and, while I have managed to awaken and travel with quite
a few, none so far have remembered it after the fact.

As a side note, over the years many people have reported feeling
hands dragging them out of their bodies, or touching them in some
way during spontaneous projection exits. I suspect these people were
already at least partially out of body at this time, hovering close
to their sleeping physical bodies without realizing they were
already out. The hands they felt may have originated from
overzealous friends or even from helpful spirit beings; it’s very
hard to say for sure. This may also be a tactile hallucination
generated by the projector’s own subconscious mind, which I think is
the most likely scenario.

If anything like this happens during a projection (and this is quite
rare, I might add), I suggest that you clear your mind of fear and
go on with your projection regardless. Conscious-exit projections
are way, way too precious to waste, especially in the early days
while you are still learning to get out and about. You must not
allow yourself to be fooled or tricked into aborting successful
projections for any reason. As with all common astral noises and
voices, once out of body nothing will ever be found that might have
caused the original worrying sensations or problems. Look upon this
type of event – as worrying as it may be at the time – as a true
test of bravery.

If you don’t like what you find when you get out, you can always
turn around and dive straight back into your physical body. This is
not only the fastest and easiest way to abort a projection, but it
also gives you firsthand experience with the conscious exit and
reentry, which is invaluable.

It also helps to keep firmly in mind during the exit – spontaneous
or deliberate – that nothing can truly hurt a projected double. The
original copy of mind and all memories are always safely tucked away
inside the physical/etheric body, which cannot be destroyed and is
not vulnerable to interference or possession merely because it is
projecting. In my opinion, the physical/etheric body is far more
protected during an OBE than in the awake or normal sleep state.

There is really nothing to fear but fear itself.

Calling and Meeting Other Projectors
Many people have asked me how to project to, or meet, other people
or projectors. I have found the most reliable way is to call the
target person just before the exit. When you are in the trance state
and/or close to the exit, imagine your target person.

Everyone has a
distinct essence of personality. This feeling can be used to tune in
to and locate other people. Hold the image of your target firmly in
mind and call his or her name several times, voicing this strongly
in your mind. If the target person is asleep or out of body, he or
she will usually hear and appear just before the exit, or be waiting
close by when you finish getting out of your body. He or she will
often reply audibly.

This is not an actual voice, although it sounds
real, but is a telepathic transmission that is heard with a kind of
clairaudience, or astral hearing. If you have real-time or astral
vision at this time, you may also see him or her in the room waiting
for you, usually a little perplexed about why he or she is there,
often not realizing he or she is out of body.

If this fails, repeat the above process after the exit out of body.
First, move at least twenty feet (six meters) away from your
physical body, then call out to the target person aloud.

Another way to target people is to tune in and project to them using
the instantaneous-travel method (see chapter 24). Simply tune in to
them and feel yourself moving toward them. This will cause you to
shift to where the target persons are.

None of these methods will be truly successful if you do not know
the target person fairly well. Do not expect to be able to project
to famous personages or to people you do not know well. On that
note, it is also extremely difficult to project to people you do not
like, or who do not like you. A certain level of harmony is required
to make an astral connection and rendezvous.

The target does not have to be living, but projecting to a deceased
person’s spirit is far more difficult than might be expected. If a
spirit person is targeted, you may find yourself shifting to an
astral level, usually one of the spirit worlds, where you can
interact with your target.

Your energetic makeup, development, and
projection skills will have a lot to do with whether or not you are

Alarm Clock Aid
Many people find it easier to project if they set their alarm clock
an hour or two before their normal waking time, then attempt a

The physical body is already deeply
relaxed and heavy with sleep – trance state – making projection much
easier. (If you have to get up for work at a set time in the morning, I suggest
using two alarm clocks to avoid oversleeping, one for projection and
one for work.)

Another use for an alarm clock is to use the snooze button for short
projections. This is also a handy way to get around some mind-split
effects by limiting the time of a projection. Set your snooze button
to gently wake you at ten- or fifteen-minute intervals. When the
alarm goes off, hit the snooze button and attempt a quick
projection, going straight to your projection technique each time.

Every time the alarm wakes you, hit the snooze button and try to
recall a projection, in case one occurred, then repeat the
projection attempt. The longer you do this the more chance you’ll
have of scoring a hit with a remembered projection fragment. As soon
as you remember something, write it down.

It helps if you have the
alarm clock, pen, and notebook within easy reach, so you will not
have to disturb your relaxed state too much while using them. 
The problems besetting new projectors are many and varied.

With any
recurring OBE exit problem, it is important to isolate the cause and
take remedial steps sooner than later, or interest may flag and the
goal of wake-induced OBE never be realized. Taking prompt action
also avoids the possibility of becoming negatively conditioned by a
problem, making the exit more difficult than it should be.

Out of the thousands of projection exit problems I have advised on
over the years, it is clear that several main problem areas exist.
The following sections offer some advice on overcoming these.

Climbing Problems
Some people find they have difficulty using awareness hands climbing
actions. Usually, one awareness hand will seem weaker and less
controllable than the other, and will continually slip away from the
rope or ladder, which makes everything more difficult. This problem
may also affect stimulation and energy-raising actions. Persevering
with awareness hands and energy-raising actions will progressively
help overcome this type of problem.

The more often awareness hands
are used, the stronger and surer they become. Alternatively, some
projection methods given here require no complex awareness hands
actions. Find what works best for you and what has the strongest
effect on your projectable double. Stick to what works and build on

Using a combination of techniques that do not require awareness
hands actions is probably the best way to overcome climbing

Torso Energy Surge
The torso surge is not unpleasant. It is much like the surge of
emotional energy and excitement you’d get if you suddenly won a
million dollars. But it can be very distracting. Just as the
projection reflex begins to kick in, a strong falling sensation
combined with an energetic body rush surges upward through the
stomach and chest area. The strong energy-movement sensations caused
by the torso surge appear to come mainly from the lower primary
energy centers.

My theory is that the moment the projection reflex
is triggered, some primary energy centers strobe powerfully,
temporarily creating a delicate network of new energetic connections
throughout the physical/etheric body. This new network creates the
energetic conditions that allow projection to occur. Energy flares
throughout this new network as the projection mechanism internally
generates the projectable double, before its expulsion out of the
physical/etheric body. The torso surge is not to be confused with
the racing-heart sensation or the vibrations that are also commonly
experienced during the exit, although these appear to be
energetically related.

The torso surge is an extremely visceral
sensation and can be very difficult to overcome. It is felt within
the physical body as if it were a physical sensation. It causes an
immediate tension response within the physical body that causes a
breach of relaxation and trance discipline, and hence projection

Expect this sensation to hit right on the verge of the exit. Stay
calm and do not allow yourself to react to it. The physical reaction
can be controlled, as long as it is not too strong. This sensation
is a perfectly normal part of the projection process, and will not
hurt you. The surge is far stronger during early projections, and
progressively eases the more often you attempt conscious-exit

A side effect of projection attempts, even failed ones,
is to cause widespread energetic development, as well as development
of the projection mechanism. If the energetic surge is too strong to
ignore, and leaves you gasping and wide awake every time, spend more
time raising and working with energy during regular training
sessions. This work is best done separate from actual projection

If the problem continues, it would also be worthwhile to familiarize
your body with a similar sensation. Seek out a highspeed elevator
and spend some time in it, getting used to the sudden falling
sensation every time it starts down. Close your eyes and relax while
doing this and allow the sudden movement to catch you by surprise.
Another way would be to spend some time on amusement park rides,
especially roller coasters. For the more adventurous, skydiving,
high diving, bungie jumping, or water slides may help. The physical
body quickly becomes accustomed to anything it experiences

The effects of the torso surge will then be lessened as
the sudden tension response of the physical body to it will be

Cobwebs – Energetic Sensations
Cobwebs are a very common and well-known sensation – a serious
problem for some people – associated with trance and energetic

This sensation of localized tickling, itching, or
stinging is usually felt on the face and neck, varying in intensity
from a slight tickling or itching to a more intense stinging
sensation on the skin. The most common place to get cobwebs is on
the face, especially around the mouth and nose. In rarer cases,
cobwebs can be experienced in other places and over much larger
areas of the physical body.

You can expect to get cobweb sensations at some time or another.
Severe cobweb problems are quite rare, and appear to be symptoms of
energy blockages and narrowed energy pathways in the connecting
circuitry on the surface of the energy body, felt in the skin of the
physical body. Cobwebs are caused by energy movement through the
myriad smaller energy centers and connecting pathways that cover the
entire body.

The most common cobweb sites correspond with
acupuncture points and major nerve endings in the facial area.
Cobweb sensations will normally reduce only gradually as the energy
centers and their connecting circuitry develop to handle the greater
flow of energy caused by the trance state and projection attempts.

Some cobweb activity usually is present in people with a strong or
more than usually active brow center, even if the brow center is
undeveloped. The face contains a powerful and complex energetic
support structure for the brow and crown centers. Any increased
energy flow through this structure causes at least some cobweb
sensations to be felt there.

The stronger the energy flow in this
area, the stronger the sensations it causes. This continues until
the support structure develops enough to handle the increased energy
flows required by these higher centers. Even if the facial support
structure and the brow and crown centers are all fairly well
developed, some cobweb activity is usually still felt, especially
when these higher centers are being actively used during the
full-trance state.

The NEW secondary system helps to reduce cobweb sensations by
progressively developing the circuitry of the energy body. Specific
problem areas such as the face should also be targeted and deeply
massaged with a suitable awareness action, brushing or wrapping, to
nurture the development of those areas. Keep in mind here that
rectifying serious cobweb problems can take time. Please be patient
and work through this problem until it improves, and don’t give up
on OBE just because of it.

I recommend that cobwebs be ignored as far as possible, but if they
become unbearable you can scratch them. If you do, take care to move
slowly and deliberately, and scratch them in a dreamy, relaxed way,
so that you do not break your relaxed physical and mental states.

When I get cobwebs, I look on them as a test of my concentration and
ignore them totally. They usually fade after a few minutes, but
occasionally I have had to scratch an intensely itching or burning
one, just in case it is a feeding mosquito, which has often been the
case. It is therefore wise to spray your room before trance sessions
and projection attempts, to eliminate this possibility.

I have come across very few people with really bad cobweb problems.
In rare cases, cobweb sensations can cover the entire surface of the
body. This feels, or so I have been told, like a horde of insects
crawling all over your body, which sounds unbearable and probably
is. Conscious-exit projection becomes impossible under these
circumstances. I suggest concentrating on relaxation techniques,
meditation, and energy work until the blockages in the energetic
circuitry clear.

Once these areas are more developed, cobwebs
sensations will lessen.

Primary Center Pressure
Mild to intense pressure sensations are sometimes felt in the head
as a result of primary energy center activity and energy movement
during trance work or projection attempts.

These are natural
sensations, caused by some of the higher functions of the brow and
crown centers, as these grow out of dormancy. Ignore pressure
sensations as best you can. They are a good sign that these energy
centers are responding to the stronger energetic flow caused by
development exercises and projection attempts.

Pressure sensations, especially when localized to the brow center,
indicate clairvoyant potential. Pressure is rarely intense enough to
cause actual pain, but it will often be extremely uncomfortable.
Intense episodes of pressure are unpredictable and infrequent.

are more often experienced by novice projectors who have done no
significant energetic development before their projection attempt.

Localized Pressure
Localized brow center pressure feels much like a thumb being firmly
and steadily pressed into the center of the forehead.

This is felt
either in a small area in the center of the brow or in a larger
circular area covering the whole middle of the forehead. This can
vary from mild to intense pressure, and can last for several minutes
or longer. More rarely, a small area of intense thumb-like pressure
is felt in the center of the top of the head.

This last sensation is
related to crown center activity and development.

Tight Band around Head
This feels much like a leather belt tied around the head being
slowly tightened.

Pressure is felt around the entire circumference
of the head, in a wide band level with the brow, and all over the
whole top of the head, including the whole forehead, as if the whole
head were bandaged too tightly. This top-of-head pressure sensation
is caused by crown center activity. Brow and crown pressure
sensations are related and will often occur together. More rarely,
the facial area will also be involved; this feels like the entire
skull is coming under pressure.

Energy center pressure can be quite uncomfortable, even painful at
times. Although this is rare, it can spark strong headaches, even
migraines if you are prone to them. Actual pain will be more
frequent if the brow and crown centers are being worked on more than
the rest of the energy body, which I do not recommend. If pain
becomes a problem, the best solution is to stop all stimulation and
development work. Take a break and allow everything to settle down.
This may take several days or more.

You can work around problem areas with energetic development
exercises, but this may still cause some pressure pains to occur. In
all the cases I have come across like this – including my own
experiences – crown and brow center pressure pains progressively
reduced once regular energetic development exercises were

You must stimulate the brow and crown centers very gently in the
early stages of development. It is very important not to overwork
them, especially if strong pressure sensations are being

A lot of time and patience may be required to gently
and safely bring these centers out of dormancy.

Breathing Problems
Pressure is sometimes felt in the chest and throat and feelings of
choking or even asphyxiation can result from this. This can feel
like you are not getting enough oxygen, or as if you are forgetting
to breathe during a projection attempt. The chest and throat
pressure is normally caused by primary energy center activity, but
the lack-of-oxygen sensation often has another cause.

Sleep apnea, a
fairly common sleep breathing disorder, causes a person to stop
breathing many times while they are asleep, and to gasp for air when
their lack of oxygen becomes acute and wakes them. This problem is
not caused by projection attempts, but is a preexisting medical
condition that has not been noticed.

During trance work or a projection attempt, the physical body is put
to sleep while the mind stays awake. Any sleep breathing problems
become much more apparent during this time because the mind is awake
and thus notices them.

One possible solution to this problem, if it
is not too severe, is to adjust your trance work or projection
position so your head is tilted further back and your airways are
held more open. Even a slight change in position can make a big
difference with breathing problems like this. Please consult a
medical doctor if you feel you have any type of sleep breathing
disorder. These conditions, while treatable, can be dangerous if
left unattended. Smoking, drinking, and being overweight worsen

Improving the health of the physical body usually cures the

Stuck to Body during Exit
Some people at times experience feeling themselves glued to a part
of their body during an otherwise successful exit, usually at their
stomach, head, or legs. This appears to be caused by an incomplete
projectable double being generated, resulting in only a partial
projection. There are several possible reasons for this.

Heavy protein meals eaten before projection attempts appear
responsible for many partial-separation problems. It takes a lot of
energy to digest food; the heavier the meal, the more energy is
diverted into bioenergetic digestion processes. The energy body will
virtually shut down for an hour or more after a heavy meal of any

After this time, just having a large amount of undigested
heavy protein in the stomach can cause energy centers in that area
to become sluggish and unresponsive to the projection reflex.

The sub-navel storage center is also situated near the lower stomach
area, and energy flowing to and from this important center may
become restricted while the stomach is busy digesting a heavy meal.
Trying to force primary energy centers open during a projection
attempt in this case can cause varying levels of discomfort, cramps,
and even pain during the exit.

This is easily overcome by not eating
such a heavy meal so late, and by cutting down on the amount of
heavy protein eaten, especially in the last meal before bed.

Exit Cramps and Pain
I have had many reports of varying levels of cramping and pain, from
mild to severe, in the stomach or chest – and more rarely, in other
areas – during projection exits. I have also experienced this myself
on several occasions. The action of pulling yourself out of body
using a climbing technique can sometime cause internal cramping and
tugging sensations, as if the stomach, heart, or lungs were twisting
and cramping.

This is directly related to the projection attempt.
For example, each pull on the rope can be found to cause a painful
internal tugging sensation that stops as soon as the climbing action
causing it is ceased. This can be quite uncomfortable, even painful,
if you continue trying to force yourself the rest of the way out of
your body at this time.

This problem appears to be caused by
inactivity in a single part of the energy body. This interferes with
the generation of the projectable double in a single area.

There are many possible causes for this. One possibility is
continued projection efforts after a successful separation has
already occurred. Continued projection efforts after projection has
occurred is likely to cause problems for the etheric body, which
cannot normally leave the confines of the physical body.

The solution is to stop and look for projection-related symptoms. If
you’ve felt vibrations or the torso energy surge, or if partial or
full waking paralysis is present, or if some degree of real-time or
astral sight is present, the chances are you have already projected.

You must now await the return of your projected double. If this
appears to be the case, it is worth trying to contact your projected
double. Reach out with your feelings and attempt to feel yourself
inside your projected double, imagining you are already out of body.
This will often result in a telepathic connection and an
instantaneous transfer of memories from the projected double. If you
manage this, remember to still keep the projection short.

Try to
reenter your physical body well before it can fall into the
deep-sleep state.

Jewelry and Watches
Gold, jewels, and other solid metal objects can interfere with the
generation of the projectable double. I learned many years ago,
through experience, that wearing watches, rings, or neck chains
caused me problems during the exit, as well as during trance and
energetic work.

I have also had many reports of jewelry and watches
causing problems and pain during otherwise successful projections.

One young man reported severe pain in his tongue during several
otherwise successful projection attempts. He was a fairly
experienced projector and had never had problems before this. The
pain always started as pressure in his tongue that quickly became
painful and spread through his jaw and neck, becoming more and more
painful as he continued toward the exit.

The pain became so bad it
caused him to abort each projection during the exit. I questioned
him thoroughly and it came to light that he had recently had a gold
stud inserted through his tongue, with the wound not being quite
healed. He did not see how this could possibly interfere with
projection, but, on my advice, removed the gold stud and
successfully projected later that same night with no recurrence of
the pain.

Along similar lines, a young female projector recently reported to
me that she had experienced intense pain and pressure in her chest
during a conscious-exit projection. She was forced to abort her
projection attempt. On her return, she found her pet rat asleep on
her chest, where it normally slept. The presence of the pet rat on
her chest appears to have been the cause of the pain and pressure
she felt during the attempted exit.

The projected double can pass through solid metal and gem-stones
with ease. The presence of them on the physical body during
projection attempts however, appears to interfere with the
generation of the projectable double, which causes the projecting
double to become stuck to its body at that area. For some reason,
this also causes pressure and discomfort during the exit.

appears to affect some more than it does others, but every thing
points to the presence of gold, jewelry, and other items on the
physical body causing problems during the exit. It is possible that
gold fillings, false teeth, and other solid items may also cause
problems for some people. If you feel localized pressure and pain
during projection, it is worth taking a good look at the affected
area to see if any item is present that could possibly be causing

The variable energetic makeup and levels of development of
individual projectors may cause a wide range of seeming
inconsistencies, with particular projection-related problems
affecting some projectors and not others.

Magnetic North?
The direction the physical body faces during a projection attempt
does appear to have an effect on the ease of the projection exit for
some people – and every little bit helps. I prefer to have the top
of my head pointing north if I am lying down, but if I am sitting up
I like to be facing either north or south, although this may just be
a foible of mine.

But I have projected many times while facing east
and west, lying down and sitting up, and experienced no noticeable
difference. While direction does seem to have an effect on some
people, it does not affect everyone equally and will not stop a
determined or experienced projector.

I suggest that new projectors
experiment with the direction they face and see for themselves
whether it makes any difference.

Lunar Cycle
The lunar cycle also seems to have an effect on projection exit
difficulty levels, as well as on the frequency of spontaneous

I find the best time for OBE to be the week surrounding
the full moon, with the first night of the full moon being my prime
projection time. Although I have projected on every day of the
month, all year round, I feel the urge to project more strongly
during a full moon. Some people appear to be more affected by the
lunar cycle than others.

I suggest that projectors check the lunar cycle against their
successful projections, especially spontaneous ones. It is also
worth checking this against lucid dreams and patches of vivid
dreams, as opposed to uneventful dreamless nights. This will give a
clear indication of the best time of the month for them to project,
and whether or not the lunar cycle is affecting them.

The moon
factor may also contribute to or cause many common projection
difficulties like cramps and pains and partial exits, especially
when there is no moon at all.

Saliva Problems
Many people have problems during trance, development work, or
projection attempts with either an excess of saliva, necessitating
continual swallowing; or a lack of saliva, causing a dry throat and
mouth. Both conditions can be very distracting and will interfere
with conscious-exit projection.

If your mouth and throat tend to become dry during development
exercises or projection attempts, first make sure you have had
enough to drink before beginning so you are not becoming dehydrated,
especially if you live in a warm climate. The only other thing that
could cause dryness is breathing excessively through the mouth. The
solution is to breathe more through the nose. Make sure the nasal
passages are clear by blowing and clearing them beforehand. A slight
change of position may also help if your mouth tends to fall open

Snoring can also cause dry mouth and sore throat problems.

When the
physical body is put to sleep during the trance state and projection
attempts, it often begins to snore on its own, even though the mind
of the projector is wide awake. In many cases projectors will not be
fully aware of this, especially if they are having problems and
drifting in and out of the sleep state. The solution is to restore
the sleep deficit so that falling asleep is less likely, and to
change the resting position of the physical body until a position is
found that does not promote snoring.

If excessive saliva tends to build up, try not to think about it.
Thinking about it causes you to become more aware of your mouth and
tongue, which, in itself, can cause an increase in saliva flow.
Avoid sweet drinks, tea, or coffee, and anything that leaves a
flavor residue in your mouth that may cause saliva to flow. Brushing
your teeth and using a saltwater mouthwash, then rinsing with fresh
water, helps rid the mouth of unwanted tastes.

Prop yourself up
slightly higher if lying flat; this will help slow the tendency for
saliva buildup at the back of the throat. Keep your mind off of it;
swallow normally whenever you have to, in a relaxed and dreamy way.
Swallowing, or moving the body to ease it, must be done at times,
even during trance work and projection attempts.

Minor movements
like this can be done without breaking relaxation and trance
disciplines, as long as they are done slowly and in a dreamy and
relaxed way.

Sexual Arousal
Sexual arousal is a less common problem that is related to energetic
activity in the lower primary centers, specifically the genital
primary center. This can be very distracting, for obvious reasons.

The solution is to spend more time raising and working with energy,
separate from projection attempts, so the energy body can develop to
the point where an increased energy flow from or through the genital
center will not cause arousal. If a sex partner is available, having
sex before a projection attempt can help alleviate this problem. If
a sex partner is not available, imagination can be used to serve
this purpose.

Many people have asked whether having sex before a projection
attempt will interfere with it or not. Some worry that sex may drain
the energy body and make projection more difficult until it has
replenished itself. In my opinion, sex before a projection attempt
has more positive than negative aspects to it.

Sexual fulfillment
greatly eases physical and mental tension by promoting energetic
balance and deeper physical and mental relaxation. It causes a
lingering warm energetic glow and a state of well-being, which can
be a great help with projection, especially with early attempts, as
energetic balance and deep physical and mental relaxation are
essential ingredients for successful projection.

The main reason people think sex is energetically draining, I think,
is because most people have sex at night before going to sleep. The
deeply relaxed state experienced during the aftermath of sex,
especially if people are already tired, will usually tend to make
them fall asleep very quickly. If this is the case, I suggest you
use the quick or instant projection methods to take advantage of the
situation before the need to sleep becomes too urgent.

In some cases, however, sex energizes people and they have trouble
falling asleep for some time afterward. In this case, sex may be
temporarily detrimental to projection. On the other hand, this is a
very good way of temporarily overcoming tiredness so a projection
attempt can be made before the onset of sleep.

When projecting after
sex, though, remember to keep the projection very short, as the
physical body will tend to fall into the deep-sleep state much more
quickly than usual.

Defective Astral Vision
Defective astral vision occasionally causes problems during or
immediately after the exit. I’d say about ten percent of all new
projectors will encounter some kind of vision problem during their
first few exits. The most common vision problems are blurred vision;
one eye not working; having to squint and strain to focus; tunnel
vision; partial blindness, and full blindness.

The cause of all OBE vision problems is a lack of energy flowing
into the projected double from the physical/etheric body. The
projected double is pure energy, generated and maintained for the
entire projection by the physical/etheric body. The energy flowing
into it gives it life and greatly affects its functionality and

The most effective method I have found to overcome vision
problems is to draw energy directly from the physical/etheric body
during the projection. This is quite simple to do and very
effective. Use your awareness and feel yourself drawing energy from
your physical/etheric body. If you can, use your imagination to see
a flow of sparkling energy coursing into you. You don’t have lungs
and do not have to breathe while out of body, but you can use the
remembered feeling of breathing to aid with this process.

the feeling of breathing IN and of drawing in energy, feeling
yourself sucking energy from your physical/etheric body and feeling
energy flowing into your projected double. This will create a strong
energetic demand in your projected double that will cause a flow of
energy from your physical/etheric body to fulfill it.

Once you get the hang of the energy-drawing action, you can draw
extra energy into your projected double anytime you have need of it.
Keep in mind here that the more energy the projected double has to
operate with, the stronger and more vivid will be its experience,
and the stronger and more vivid will be its memory.

Here are a few more ideas and solutions that have helped other
projectors with vision-related problems.

All of these are done while
out of body.


Ask for your sight, speaking aloud if possible, and you’ll often
get it.



Use your creative ability to imagine and feel light all around



Create a lit torch or a lamp and use it.



Use the instant travel method and shift to a well-lit destination.



The room you are in may actually be dark, so move to a well-lit



Leave a lamp or nightlight on while you are projecting.



Leave a lamp on in another room and shift into it after the exit.



Project during daylight hours.



Disorientation and Subtle-Body Misalignment
Weakness and disorientation are sometimes experienced after an OBE,
especially if it has been too lengthy or has been abruptly ended.

This can happen even if the conscious exit has been missed and the
projector has become aware some time after the exit. This malady is
popularly believed to be caused by some kind of subtle-body
misalignment, where the projected double has not correctly realigned
itself within its physical counterpart during reentry and

Many people today believe the projected double is a perfect copy or
template of the physical body, containing a subtle copy of all
internal organs. The “body inside a body inside a body” theory is
popularly used to illustrate the way subtle bodies can separate from
the physical body and hold consciousness exterior to it during an
OBE. This illustration looks good on paper and does effectively show
part of what happens, but it is not a workable theory when applied
to some of the more complex energetic aspects of projection.

Subtle-body misalignment is not, I think, a reasonable or logical
explanation for weakness or disorientation following a projection.

According to my understanding, the projectable double is internally
generated by the etheric body, then extruded as an energetic point
of consciousness that contains within it a reflected copy of
consciousness. The body of the projectable double, when observed, is
created and shaped by its own sense of whole-body self-awareness,
but only when it or parts of it are deliberately observed.

When the
projected double reenters, it reintegrates with its original
physical/etheric self, downloading its shadow memories in the
process. The energetic substance of which the projected double was
composed then effectively dissolves back into the physical/etheric
body. It turns back into the raw energy from which it was made.

raw energy is instantly reabsorbed back into the vitality storage
areas of the etheric body.

It is believed that the astral body is simply enmeshed within the
physical body during its waking state, and that it is released to
pursue an out-of-body astral existence whenever its physical body
sleeps. Some people even claim that the astral body is capable of
becoming misaligned with its physical counterpart while in the full
waking state. The reasons stated for astral-body misalignment are
many, but usually involve improper or too-abrupt reentry. Some
psychics and healers actually blame a patient for having OBEs at too
early a stage of development, even though this may be spontaneous
and totally beyond the patient’s control.

I think this line of reasoning has spawned a blanket excuse –
astral-body misalignment – that is used whenever a psychic or healer
cannot work out what is actually wrong with his patient. A more
reasonable blanket explanation would be bioenergetic conflicts
involving the etheric/physical interface. My reasoning here is that
any subtle-body problem capable of affecting the physical body must
logically stem from the etheric body.

This is the closest subtle
body to the physical body, energetically speaking, and therefore has
the greatest effect on it.



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